Entrevista: John Harper (Lady Blackbird)
Ya tengo las respuestas de John acerca de su juego, como anticipé la semana pasada. Voy a poner la entrevista primero en inglés (para que los que prefiráis ver las respuestas originales y los fans anglosajones de John podáis disfrutarla también) y una traducción al castellano a continuación. ENTREVISTA ORIGINAL: Calaboso: First, an obvious one: where came the inspiration for Lady Blackbird from? Not those mentioned on the first page of the book, but the "primal idea", the thought that started everything, like "I was in an aquarium, looking at a toy submarine and I remembered Jules Verne.." John Harper: I was scheduled to run a game for some friends (some of whom had not played RPGs before), but when the time came, I couldn't decide what game to run. Since I had a few hours before the session, I just threw something together very quickly. The two main characters were directly inspired by Firefly (Mal and Inara) and Star Wars (Han & Leia). Ever...